Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ahhh....Another Thanksgiving

Family, Football and Food. Need I say more?

Thank God I was born an American. FOR. REAL. To all you haters, what would you be doing in Zimbabwe right now?

This holiday season I am certainly thankful for my faith, my family, my kids, my wife, my friends and so much more. But it's the little things I wanna list that I need to give some shouts out to:

- the ability to avoid Black Friday shopping and do 99% of my shopping online
- my iPhone
- Foo Fighters
- the fact they are building a ChickFiLa less than a mile from my house
- the Astros moving to the American League in 2013
- Phineas and Ferb
- Charlie (our new boxer) and his big ears, long legs and wrinkled face
- Stryper's "Winter Wonderland"
- the price of gold
- Wireless service on certain airlines
- Angry Birds and Words WF
- The "Occupy" protestors (pure entertainment)
- Mazzio's Pizza

Surely this isn't an exhaustive list, but you get the idea. Life is good. Real good. I'm just thankful each day I get a chance to run the clock another 24 hours.

God is good, isn't He?

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