Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Just Another Time to Say Thanks

Once a year we slow down just enough to think about all we have and how much worse it could be.

All of us should be thankful. I know we are.

I am thankful for....

our salvation and God's grace
my health
my wife's health
our kid's health
my wife (I am sure she is thankful for me....most days)
our amazing kids
our incredible families
the amazing group of friends we have
my business making it through another year
our wonderful church right down the street
the trips we've been able to take
the fun times we have had
God giving us strength in our worries
God providing week after week
our freedom in this country
what looks like a fun, amazing future!

Oh there is alot more for sure but time is after all, of the essence and we have a pizza in the oven - homemade too.

One thing I have learned in my 41 short years is to always remain in a state of humility and gratefulness before God. It covers a multitude of shortfalls with Him when we are thankful each and ever day no matter our circumstances. It is always worse off for someone somewhere else.

Take time to thank God today for all He has done and given you. Write and list - you will likely be shocked.

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