Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quinn and the Lizard

I felt like a schmuck.

Here is what happened...

I came home to take over on kid duty. Getting ready to take the kids out for our favorite pizza run with good ol' Daddy.

"Everyone go get your shoes on," I said. The girls complied. As usual Quinn pretended to not hear and started wandering around.

A few minutes later...

"Quinn go get your flip flops on now!"

"But there is a lizard in there," he said with a very poor attempt at crying.


Knowing he pulls these kinds of stunts all the time, looking for any reason to not obey, I wasn't about to be fooled.

"Go get your flip flops now or we are not going!"

"Whaaa!" he started crying a little harder.


I began pushing him towards the small basket the kids kept their shoes in.

Still he refused, frustrating me more.

Finally, I gave in.

"Never mind...we don't have time for this."

I started digging around the basket for his flip flops. "See!" I proudly proclaimed, "There are no lizards in here."

Right about then he screamed and I looked down at my hand to see a large Gecko running around the outer edge of the basket!

"Holy crap!" I yelled. (I couldn't help it).

By then the girls had joined the commotion and like the squirrel scene in Christmas Vacation, everyone ran from the scene screaming, including myself with the basket in hand.

Quickly I opened the front door and the little dude jumped off on the porch.

"I'm so sorry buddy!" I said while hugging a sobbing Q-ster. "There WAS a lizard in there!"

Thank God Father of the Year awards are later in the winter!

What a scene.

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