Sunday, January 25, 2009

Big Girls Beds Rule the Day

Start with a little bit of pink paint, add a dash of leopard spots, some new sheets, 2 twin beds, and a twist in the arrangement of the furniture and you have a new phase.

Transition from toddler beds to big girls beds complete.

Our girls are no longer babies. Sniff, sniff.

This weekend marked the end of a phase and the start of a new one as we spent the weekend transforming their room into the "pinkvilla" it now is. They will always be daddy's babies, but in reality, my babies are now little girls sleeping their own "grown up" beds tonight.

Where is the pause button?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

When you find that pause button, let me know... I'll have a 13 year old this year. Ouch. Time is swiftly flying by...