Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our Babies Turn Three!

Our girls turned three today. No more diapers, no more passies, no more babbling, no more whinning.....ok that isn't gone yet, but our babies little girls.

Sniff, sniff, and yeah all at the same time.

Look for them on Fox4 GoodDay this Thursday!
See photos from their birthday weekend here.


Kat Curlee said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!!!! We can't believe our girls are all 3 now...time sure flies. Just wait til they start Kindergarten! I've been teary all week preparing for school. Tonight was "Meet the Teacher" night and I found myself holding in the was HARD! I know I'll be a teary Mom on Monday when we drop her off.... Just doesn't seem possible!!!

Kat Curlee said... the way...I'd would LOVE to know your secret to "no passies, no diapers"....Jillian just won't give either up! NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY!